Blogs > Lighten Up WIth Anna

Anna Peters of Chardon is joining Lighten Up for the second time, after taking part in 2013. She said is looking forward to learning more about healthy eating and getting active.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blog 5 Frustrated

Not a good feeling to be frustrated so early in the "game". I am working out like crazy- I have the right mind set but my numbers on my scale seem to be  hibernating  Grrrr.
I know my issue- same as always- I seem to be mindlessly grabbing food at end of the day-
sleepy- lazy- not an excuse. BAD HABITS- I am not even hungry- and when I grab something I usually say I will vitabot and I forget-- I am  my own worst enemy.  They say you can break a habit in 30 days - It is so tough- I feel like I need to resort to duck tape-- either over my mouth or across my fingers- or maybe both!! I just need to find that will power to make it through the evenings. I am happy with all else- I have changed my snacks, weigh everything, I am crazy about exercising- (  I really like it)- spinning, walking, running, elliptical, incorporating some weights, just bought some kettle bells, but they are still in the box- I am hoping to bring those out this week, but I need to get out the dvd and learn how to use them correctly.
This is never easy--- thank god Duck tape comes in fashionable colors-- it may come down to that!


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